The purpose of this plant is to increase the production of concentrate and use the recycling load of the crushing circuit of the concentrate production lines 1, 2 and 3 and was commissioned in July 2011 with a capacity of 2 million tonnes. The 2cm size was returned to the roller Asia (hpgr) and the more bulleted Asia from the back of the three concentrate production lines and, after magnetic separation and dewatering by ball filters, the final concentrate was lower than 8% and 300 μm in size. A grade of 67 to 68 percent is achieved. 193 people work directly at the plant.

The fourth line of the concentrate consists of a jaw crusher and three cone crusher, which in addition to supplying the required stone of the fourth line, supplies some of the required iron ore 5, 6 and 7.

Since November 2013, the contract for operation, maintenance and repairs and supply of parts of this plant and its crusher is under the responsibility of Sirjan Company.