Concentrate Production Lines 5,6,7

With the goal of increasing concentrate production capacity, Gol Gohar Company decided to establish three concentrate production lines with a total capacity of 6 million tonnes per year. Accordingly, at the beginning of 2015, concentrate production lines with a total capacity of 4 million tonnes, including two similar processing lines, each with a capacity of 2 million tonnes per year, were added to the production capacity. The use of equipment such as HPGR (high-pressure grinding rolls) and flotation cells has enabled the production of a product with suitable particle size and sulfur content. Additionally, Concentrate Production Line 7, with a capacity of 2 million tonnes, was commissioned in October 2017. More than 260 people are directly employed in these plants.

Since June 2017, the operation, maintenance, and repair contracts, as well as the procurement and supply of parts for this complex, have been entrusted to Gohar Ravesh Sirjan Company.